"Sons of Anarchy" is an American crime drama series created by Kurt Sutter that began to be issued in 2008 and finished in 2014. The show is about the story of Jax Teller and the motor club founded by his father: '' Sons of Anarchy'' (Based on the real Mc ''Hells Angels''). The series has 7 seasons and a total of 92 episodes.
"Sons of Anarchy" is a Californian
motor club founded by John Teller. This club is like a job for its bikers since
they earn money by doing different jobs at the club (normally illegal jobs)
like porn, prostitution or sale of weapons. Our main character, Jax Teller,
begins questioning the club and himself as after his father’s dead and the
arrival of the new president (his stepfather), everything gets worse.
Jax has a son with health problems, as his
mother, Jax’s ex-wife, is a drug addict and this is what majes the baby be born
with treses problems.
Jax wants that his child don't grow up like
his father, put the club on the right track for good but also he wants to
distance from that life.
Javier Díaz Pedrajas (2º BB)
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